Home Improvement Day

I quite literally spent the entire day working on the house. First, I took out all of the air conditioners (and broke a window in the process–oops!). They are now stowed away downstairs until spring.

Air Conditioners In Storage

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Then, I went into the basment and sealed up any air leaks with Great Stuff expandable foam. After that, I put in a new dryer vent since ours kidna broke the other night. While in the vinicity of the washer and dryer, I put up this nice hanging rack that I turned into Jess’s laundry center. She loves it!

Laundry Rack

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Laundry Rack Again

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And, since I was down there putting stuff up, I decided to clean off my workbench. Please note: this is the first time I have done this in the 5 years I have been living here.

My Workbench

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And since I was down in the basment taking pictures, I thought I might as well take a picture of my new pressure washer.

My New Pressure Washer

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All in all it was a good day. In fact, I saw this and it made me realize that for the first time, this house is truly a home.

They's Finally Getting Along!

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