A Tale Of Last Evening

I don’t know why I do this to myself. Maybe I just hate myself more then I’m willing to admit. I had the day off today, which was all well and good since I had every good intention of getting a lot of stuff done in an out of the house. That was, however, until JP came down last night. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against JP or him coming dowe, hell, I invited him down. Since he lives an hour away, we don’t get to hang out too often, and try to when time allows. However, what happened last night was something that used to happen quite often when I was in high school. I would usually end up haning out with my friend Bert on the weekends, and what would ensue was nothing more then a hardcare video game fest. The only time we would break was for food, drink, and bathroom breaks. After about 12 hours of playing or so, we would look away from the screen to notice that something was different. Somehow, without our knowledge or permission, the sun had rudely come up and ended the evening hours, making it now the unholy time of day known as morning. We would curse this fact for a moment, and then go back to playing games until we basically fell over from extreme fatigue. Waking up a few hours later, we would quickly discuss where to acquire more food and drink, and then resume play video games right where we left off. A very simple, and fun time.

Now however, when you’re all gorwn up, it really tends to screw with your system. Especially when you have what seem to be random shift to work during the week. For instance, when JP left this morning around 11:30am or so, I was at that decision point. Do I fall alseep now for a few hours and then risk being up all night or do I pull an Iron Man and go all day without sleep again and then crash for 14 hours tonight. With my decision quickly made, I decided to pull an Iron Man…that was until abut 1pm or so when my body just shut down and I lost conciousness for about 3 hours. Waking up and starting your day at 4 pm not only pisses you off to no end, once again, it screws with your system. Plus, add to the fact that you have to be at work by 10am the next morning, and you still have to do a lot of food and misc shopping before the stores close at 6 pm…your mind suddenly becomes very aware of the slow and precise passage of time. Every minute now suddenly counts a little more then it did a few short hours ago.

So what’s the moral of this little story??

