I should be happy, right?

Even though certain aspects of my life seem to be hanging on by only a thread, other aspects that I have been seeking after are starting to fall into place all by themselves. I’ve always sought harmony and balance in my life, but I am starting to come to the realization that maybe you can’t have a little harmony without a wee bit of chaos to balance it out.

Case in point…

My life at work is deterorating daily. We are under-staffed, overworked, and everyone is getting very punchy and short with eveyone else. This DOES NOT make for a good, productive working environment. Considering that I spend at least 9 hours a day there, sometime 7 days in any given week, you can imagine the impact all of this negative energy has on the rest of my life. And yet, while things seem to be falling apart there, in my personal life, things are getting quite better. For the first time, all of the people I have wanted to have close to me in my daily life are.

So I guess I’ll just have to live with the old yin/yang balancing act for a while. It’s really not so nad if you think about it though. I’d rather take the bad at work because I don’t have to live there (although it feels like it some weeks), and I’d rather have my personal life a lot better then my professional life. After all, jobs change, friends are forever.
