It Really Amazes Me…

I’ve been single now for over 2 years. In that time, I have sought 2 girls. The first I was too much of a chicken-shit to ask out, plus I knew she was waaaaay out of my league. Nuff’ said there. The second I hunted for a good 10 months; but alas, to no avail. Now, I literally had a chance meeting with someone who brought happiness to my life for the first time in almost 3 years, and now all of a sudden, certain people have a problem with me being happy! What the fuck people!?! Sometimes I think that poeple really do get off on other people’s misery. I’m not going to mention names here but I think you all know who you are and I sure as hell know who you are. But….instead of being all pissed off, this is exactly what I’m going to do about the whole situation.

Fuck you. That’s right, fuck you. If you can’t handle me being happy, then quite frankly I don’t need you in my life. For those of you who have been extremely happy and supportive of me and Jess, I thank you from the bottom of my digitally enhanced g33k heart. For those of you who feel that this is a mistake and that it won’t last….bye-bye! Don’t need you, nice knowing you! To me, it’s a very simple choice.

So….who’s in and who’s out??
