
To say the past few days have been intereting would be an understatement. Where shall I begin? Like most good stories, we’ll start with the beginning. Or, if you would prefer to read the Momento version, start at the bottom and work you way up. It’s all good.

I guess you can say it all started the past Saturday (7/3) when I met someone online. What seemed to be a chance encounter turned into a 15 minute IM conversation on Sunday night. Things were cool, and I was intrigued. So, now it’s Monday night and she IMs me. This time, we end up talking for an hour. I had a real crappy day at work, but talking with her seemed to make everything just fade away to nothingness in the background. We had a great conversation, and I can’t wait to talk to her the following night. Tuesday night comes and I am happy since I have the next 2 days off, but not feeling too swell from eating something that hates me. In fact, I left work an hour and a half early because of it. I finally haul my ass online, and there she is! This time I IM her and we once again have an aweomse conversation that makes me feel better then anything else could at that moment. This time, we talked for a little over 2 hours. Finally, we come to Wednesday night in our little story. I had a decent day hanging out with Miss L, and I also got to see King Arthur. So, I was in a pretty good mood to begin with. I hoped online early to see if she was on yet. Low and behold, she was!! So, we started talking….and talking…and talking. Long story short, we talked for about 3 hours and even made plans for to meet and hang out the next day! Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep that night since I was so excited.

Ok, it’s now Thursday morning and I sitting in my car in Phillipsburg New Jersey, waiting to meet Jess. To save digital trees, we’ll sum up the next 7 hours.

Jess and Trev meet. Jess and Trev have a totally awesome day together. Jess and Trev make plans to meet again. Trev is one very happy Trev.

Ok….for those of you who would like a more simple version of this story….just read below….

I met a girl named Jess. WOW!!!!!
