Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I know for most of us today this means eating a lot more turkey, pie and stuffing then we probably ever should, and to be honest, I love it!! In fact, I’m lucky enough to have 2 dinners this year. I have the first one with my family today at 12:30pm and then one with Jess’s family in New Jersey at 5pm. Mmmmm….double-dinner time!

So what am I thankful this year? I’m very thankful that I have Jess this year, that I have a great caring family, great friends who put up with me when I tend to disappear for weeks at a time, and believe it or not, my little fishies.

So, while I’m off enjoying time with both my familes today, I hope you guys get the opportunity to do the same. And in the time honored tradition of my people…NOOCH!
