Very Strange

Tonight for me is a weird night. When the 2000 election debacle happened, I was living in this house for about only 2 weeks. I remember watching the election coverage on our little 27″ Sony Wega in the corner of the living room while unpacking some stuff from the move. Now, 4 years later, I am still here in the house, alone, but watching everything on one of my 17″ computer monitors while I re-install my OS on my main monitor of my computer. I tjust find it really weird since moving out on my own was such a big event in my life, and I remember it and the events surrounding it so clearly, and how things seem to be repeating themselves 4 years later, in that I’m watching what could possibly be another Presidential election debacle, and working on the house in anticipation of living with the woman I love. Very cool, and yet very strange.

For those if you wondering why I haven’t been posting lately or been online lately…it’s pretty easy actually. My computer has been fux0red for the past few weeks and I was just able to get around to fixing my main system today (i.e. re-format and install). But, things seem to be working now, I just need to be patient while I download everything I need over my barbaric dail-up connection. I NEED BROADBAND!!!!!!
