Admiring Times Long Gone

While eating dinner tonight, I was at the Internet Archive looking at my old site designs. Man, some of them were really good and some were just plain horrible. But, in looking at all the designs from the past and my current design (which I like) there is one stark contrast between them — the old designs incorporate a lot of “personal” stuff in the site while this one does not. Sooo….I think I may have to rectify that this weekend. I already have a few idea about how to bring back some very popular old features and maybe even one or two more. I’m not giving out any hints or setting up a time table because this is strickly on the back burner right now. Since I’m off this weekend I may spend all afternoon tomorrow working on it, or I may not even think about it again at all. But, just thought I would share that with everyone. Now, time to clean my house before Jess gets here….
