Snow, Rain and Ice

Over the past few days, we have gotten a fair amount of weather. It all started out as ice, moving to rain, then back to ice, then to snow, ice again, and then ending yesterday with rain. Tomorrow promises more of the same. This wouldn’t be so bad sine it is January after all, but come Monday, it’s supposed to be damn near 50 degrees!! What the hell?? This is been some crazy winter weather so far this year!

I’m slowing starting to sink into my own little “winter mode”. What this amounts to is me spending even more time on my computer doing various computer-like things. But then again, isn’t that what I do year round anyway??

On a weirder note…those if you who know me well know that my life tends to go in 2 year cycles. Two years ago I picked up my nice little mud-encrusted Macintosh Classic II. This was my first and only Mac. But, this year, in a few weeks in fact, I should be getting a nice little Macintosh Performa handed down to me. Very sweet. Now if I can only find somone who wnats to get rid of their old Powerbook!
