Late Nights

Well, last night was one of those nights that tend to happen with me and my friends every once and a while. I went over JP’s around 7pm, rig in hand, to do a little gaming and work on a new project we’re trying to get off the ground. When I got there, he told me he had work at 9am, so that meant that he wanted to be in bed by 1am….no big deal. So, we played a little Raven Shield, and then started working on ‘the project’. Well….things started going really well, ideas began to fly, and before we know it, it was 3:45am! Thankfully, I don’t have work until 1pm today. For poor JP however, I’m sure this is going to be one hell of a long day for him.

For those of you wondering, ‘the project’ is something we’re really keeping under wraps until just about everythig is setup and ready to go. Like our pervious web comic, this is something he and I have always talked about doing since we met. It may have taken 3 1/2 years, but it looks like we have a near-perfect opportunity to make this one happen. Wish us luck!
