
I have to admit that I’ve never given iTunes a fair shake. I of course installed it when it forst came out, and then never used it. I uninstalled it when my HD ran low on space and never thought twice about it. Then I built my new computer last year, and I never even bothered to put it on until they ran their Pepsi promotion last spring. While I was collecting my free downloads, I tried using the program as my music player, but I was too used to Winamp. I think I honestly spent about 3 minutes with it as a player and nevre looked back. After the Pepsi promotion was over, I burned all my free music to a CD, and then re-ripped it into MP3s for use in Winamp.

Well here we are again in the middle of another Pepsi promotion, which has once again made me download iTunes to reap in some free, legitimate songs. As was the case last year, I am still without iPod (hint hint), so there was never a need for me to embrace this program. I get my free songs, I burn the CD, I untinsall iTunes. Same story, different year.

That is until now.

I am in what you might call a software rut. I find myself using the same programs over and over for the same tasks. This isn’t a bad thing, but to me, this isn’t a good thing either. You see, I used to try out new software all the time. In fact, my friends always used to rely on me for software advice as to which program was the best for a certain application. But in the past year or so, I really haven’t tried too many new programs. In fact, I think the only new program I’ve really tried and used is Gaim.

Where the hell am I going with this??

I am now using iTunes as my music player. I spent about 15 minutes with it last night, and about a good 2 hours tonight. I’ve played with various settings and I’m starting to really like it. What really enlightned me to it was the fact that when Jess moves in I can build a central music server, install and run iTunes on it, and using iTunes as a client and server app, stream and access all of our music from all of our terminals in the house.

I think one of the biggest turn-offs to iTunes for me was the way the music is arranged. But, since tweaking the interface a bit, I’ve gotten it to a point where it’s more like my actual filing system of my songs on my HD, which makes finding and playing a particular songs much more intuitive then before.

Mom, dad, if you’re reading this…an iPod would be really, really nice to go laong with my iTunes.
