Guilty Business

There’s been a project that JP and I have been working on for the past few months, that we really haven’t talked too much about. The reason being that we didn’t want to put out too much buzz until we were ready for it. Well, we are officially ready…I think.

We have started our own computer business called i/o Computers. Although we have been doing work for family and friends for free for years, we finally decided to try and see if we can do this as a part time job, and God willing, maybe even full time in a few years.

Why am I suddenly talking about this? Today, we had our first real, paying customers.

I must say, it was a really weird feeling getting paid to do what I have considered for years to be my hobby.

I know we are a business and that we have to make money to stay open. But I felt really weird writing up invoices and then taking money from people. Don’t get me wrong, I love money, but it was just strange. I guess this is one side of the business I’m just going to have to get used to. I guess I had gotten so used to doing tech stuff for free for so many years that it’s going to take a while to not feel guilty accepting money.

I’m weird, yes I know.
