Hot and Humid

Yet, get your bathing suits out kids! Today we may set a new record high. I have no clue what the old high is, but they’re forecasting 96 degress with “opressive humidity”. Yeah….thank Christ I have the weekend off and can spend it going from the air conditioning to my parent’s pool.

As for Jess, I’m hoping she just stays cool. This past week at work has really killed her and she’s going through a bought of exhaustion. I told her that since we’re not going camping this weekend to just lay around, realx, stay cool, and get plenty of sleep. Hopefully, I’ll have my baby back sometime on Sunday so I can spend some of the weekend with her. In fact, after I told her I wanted her to take it easy, she made me take her down to Blockbuster Video and she rented not one, not two, but three DVDs for the weekend!

That’s about it for now. I’m going to try and play some Guild Wars this weekend and reach level 10 with Naomi.

Oh…almost forgot. My man JP has redone is blog over again, and has actually made a post!! Yep, it’s his first post since March! The man is on fire!!!

Not only that, but he also hooked his woman Sara up with a blog as well.

The funny thing is, he switched from Movable Type to WordPress. I have been using WordPress now for almost 2 years now, and have been singing its praises to him. I used to use Movable Type as well, and foudnd it to be a bit combersome to lay things out. With WordPress, I can’t imagine a much easier system. I’m glad to see the boy has finally seen the light!!

Well, I’m off to stay cool and maybe play a little Guild Wars. Later…
