
Everyone here in the house has taken the death of Gandalf very hard. Even Lola has taken it very hard, as she tends to just sit there and stare under the chair where Gandalf used to sleep. Jess and I went camping with her family this weekend, and over the 2 days we were away, we did quite a bit of talking. We realized that we now had a hole in our family. No one could ever reaplce Gandalf, and nor would we ever try to. He was a wonderful, unique kitten and we really feel lucky to have had the 2 short months we had with him.

Where am I going with this?

Well, we got back a litlte earlier then we expected to today, so we went to some local pet shops. We weren’t out to get new kitten, but just wanted to start looking. Well, as fate would have it, we found a wonderful little kitten to bring home with us.

I present to you Marmalade. She is a female, born 6/6/05.
