It Never Rains, But It Pours!

Let this be a lesson to you all — vacations are a cursed blessing.

I have been on vacation since this past Friday. Firday was an absolutly horrible for reasons I’m not going to get into here. Saturday started out almost as horrible, but then really turned itself around with my 28th birthday party that Jess threw me. I was kind of against a party since my last party was for my 18th birthday. But in the end, as usual, Jess was right. I had a blast hanging out with my friends and family. In fact, at one point I found the video tape of my 18th birthday party and we lauged about how young and stupid we all were 10 years ago. Man how the time flys!!

Sunday was equally awesome with Bert and Kelly coming over with their daughter Meghan and hanging out all day. The girls really bonded and went shopping for a while while the Bertman and I hung out with the wee one and played some video games. Later on when the girls came back, we tried to eat the 5 lbs. of Manwhich left over from the party and then played 4 player Double Dash on the Gamecube. What a great day!!

Monday is when the hecticness started. We had a system drop off at the shop at 9am. This was only to be the beginning. We went shopping for some stuff for the shop, had to do 2 estimates, and then an on-site emergency business call. Not too bad. I ended up getting home that day around 8:30pm. Needless to say I didn’t see much of Jess or play any games.

Tuesday was no better. I started out the day at back at the business call to finish up what an over-night install. Not too bad. Then it was off to my personal bank, and then the business bank. After that it was to Best Buy to see the JP and pick up a movie for Jess (long story). After that it was to my store to look for a screw. (hardware people!! I swear…) Not finding what I needed, I ended up ahning out with my good friend Lisa, and then getting yelled at by my new department manager for takaing vacation. Not to toot my own horn, but the place has turned into a shit-hole since I went on vacation. After Lowe’s, I headed downtown to meet Jess for lunch. After lunch, it was back home to work on an upcoming i/o Computers promotion. Before I knew it, Jess was home. She was kind enough to make dinner as I took a little nap since I only got about 5 hours of sleep the night before. We had dinner and watched the movie I got her. (“Unleashed” kicks ass!) After the movie, I had to return a business phone call. right after that, I had to return a personal call from earlier when we were watching the movie. During that call, I got a voicemail. It was my parents wanting me to install a wireless network in their house tomorrow. No prob, so I scheduled them first for tomorrow. About 30 minutes later, I get a voicemail on the business’s toll free line. A client we had serviced about a month ago was having internet connection problems. Not biggie, but being that it was after 9pm and I literally hadn’t seen Jess since Sunday, I told her that i/o Computers was closed for the night and that I would call them back tomorrow and set up something. We watched this really cool program on PBS about Albert Einstein, and right at the end of that at 11pm, I get a voicemail from another client wanting more information about 2 quotes and letting us know what services she wanted on her machine that we had in the shop. I scheduled time for that after the wireless network install in the morning. Jess and I went to bed and I asked her to make sure I was up and awake when she left for work @ 8am.

Well, today wasn’t too much better. Jess did get me up at 8am, but I promptly fell back asleep as soon as she left the hosue and slept until a little after 10am. running 2 hours behind, I had to shift everything today. I took a shower and had a quick bowl of Cherrios and then headed to Best Buy to get a wireless card for the network install since the shop was out and I needed it today. The network install was done by 1pm, so I hit up Subway for lunch and headed for the shop. JP and I worked on the machines we had there and put in a supply order with one of our vendors. We also checked out announcement of the new video iPods. If any generous person is reading this, I would be eternally grateful for the 60gb black version!!!! Anyway, after we were done workigng on the machines, it was already almost 5pm, and Jess was mad that I was not home. I told her I was just about done and that I would be home soon. Well, that’s when we got another voicemail from the no internet people. We had called them earlier but no one was home so we left a message. I ended up sitting on the phone with them for almost 25 minutes walking them though a bunch of things. After narrowing down the peoblem, I told them to run a virus and spyware scan and then call back if it’s still not working, since it was a browser problem and not an internet problem. Already after 5pm now, I was feeling really bad. I called Jess and told her I would be home in about 15 minutes. Literally, as soon as I hung up with her, the business line rang and we got another job. A business customer of ours who was supposed to move his store a few weeks back needed us to move his network to his new loacation. Apparently the move was delayed and they were moving it all today. I called him back in the car on the way home and explained that we were booked up tonight since we were still waiting on a call back from the no internet people and didn’t know if we needed to make a house call tonight. He said it was fine and I told him I would call him tomorrow to set something up. I get home and Jess is very hungry and a little perturbed with me. We decide on pizza for dinner and then my cell phone rings again. It’s the no internet people. Still nothing. I walk them through a few moe things and then it all starts working again. They thank me and we move on. I order the pizza and we head out to pick up some stuff at the store along the way. As soon as we walk out the door (I’m not even lying here), I get another text message that the business line has another voicemail from our client moving his store. Jess gives me a look that would melt granite, so I tell her I’ll check it later and it’s dinner time. When I do go to check it, thankfully it was a ghost voicemail (nothing there). We had a nice dinner tonight, watched “Star Trek First Contact” and just hung out for a while.

So here I am now, with 4 days of vacation left, and I have literally spent the last 3 dealing strictly with i/o Computers stuff. I’m not complaining too much since it is building the business up, but I’m working harder on my vacation then when I’m actually at work. So, I am going to take Thursday for myself, and then spend Friday tying up some loose ends so I can spend the entire weekend with Jess.

Oh yeah, it’s hasn’t stopped freakin’ raining since Friday!!!! And when is the rain supposed to end?? Monday….the day I go back to freakin’ work. I swear….

p.s. This is the longest post I have EVER made.
