Monday Musings

Well, it successfully rained every single day of my vacation! Aren’t I lucky?

Today was my first day back to work. I totally blew the entire day off. I did do quite a bit of work, but I also did a fair share of bullshitting as well.

Tomorrow as I hope most of you know is the release of Batman Begins on DVD. I already have a Best Buy gift card from my birthday ready to be swiped tomorrow after work. I can’t wait!! I know Jess is worried that I’m going to be watching this movie 24/7. Her worries are well founded…

We got the entire family down the farm yesterday. Because of the hellaciously hot summer, this is the first time I have been down there since last November. It was totally what the doctor ordered. The weather was perfect October weather. It was cool, breezy, and a hint of a slight shower every once and a while. My dad and I took down a tree that had covered one of our roads down there, rode the quad around, and later on we all gathered in the new camper and just hung out. It was really a fun time!

Today is another cool day, with temps hanging out in the 50s. I love weather like this. In fact, once I’m done writing this, I think I am going to go and take out the air conditioner in the living room. I may take the one out here in the computer room, but that’s if I really feel like moving the slew of book in front of it.

One last thing before I forget. We have put the old i/o Comics archive back online. You can check it out at
