Tired and Tolled

Today was yet another hellacious day at work. Thank Christ I have the next two days off and this coming weekend off!

Tomorrow is going to be house day. THe plan right now is to power wash the siding since the roof has finally been completed (yay!), clean out and seed the yard, clean out the rest of the basment, and then finally clean out my car. Since tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60s, I think this would be a good day to get all of this done.

I did some more coding on the back end of the site this morning before work. I do believe I have the whole comment situation buttoned up about as tight as I am going to get it. There is one fatal flaw however. If you go to leave a comment and you haven’t had a comment approved previously, it’s going to go automatically into a moderation queue. I found 3 comments this morning that fit that criteria. So, if you happen to make a comment and you do see it up after a few days, just shoot me an email at trev@twev1701.net and I’ll check into it. In addition to the comment system, I also changed the way the archives appear now. So, if you click on say July 2004 (a good month indeed), you’ll see all the posts in their entirity, not just little blurbs from them.

And last but not least, my other book that I bought myself for my birthday came today!!
