All In A Day’s Work

I have the day off today. I actually had almost the whole day planned out too, and then things got changed at the last minute. You see, I couldn’t sleep last night, so I decided to finish up the system I have here for a customer. The hard drive arrived yesterday so I threw that in last night and installed the OS. All I needed to do was go to the shop, activate Windows, and download all of the available updates. I had planned on doing that Thursday afternoon with JP, but as it so happened, we did it today. Not that big if a deal, I just had to move some stuff around.

I’m not sure what’s going to be happening tonight. I’m making dinner – that much I know. I have no clue if Jess and I are going to hang out together or just do our own thing. To be honest, I don’t care which one happens. If we hang out together, we’ll probably end up watching some Millennium or a movie, and if we do our own thing, I’ll probably end up play Guild Wars. Either way, not too bad of a night.

I’m off again tomorrow and I’m going to try and tackle some of the cleaning in the basement. Also, I have to take care of some paperwork for our eBay Store, which requires the faxing of like 20 pages to them to prove we are legit. I really think it’s harder to be legit then it is to be a scammer! Then in the evening we’ve been invited over to JP and Sara’s for dinner. Mike was supposed to be there but had to bow out at the last minute. DAMN YOU MARANCIK!!!
