
This weekend was both fun, yet exhausting. In fact, this morning was the first time I could sleep in, and as such, slept for a full 10 hours.

Som interestig things happened on Sunday at the ye old bridal show. The most interesting of which was seeing my ex’s mother, aunt, and sister there. Apparently, her sister is getting married, and that’s why they were there. I first noticed her mothier walking by when we were sitting at the fashion show (don’t ask!). I pointed her out to Jess, and literally a few minutes, all three of them came over and stood kind of right by us. My ex wasn’t there sadly, so no heart felt reunion took place. 🙁 Anywho, it took them a while to notice me, but when they did, boy was it ever fun. Jess and I were laughin it up and halding hands, I was laughing it up with her mother on the other side of me…it was great!! They keep looking daggers at us the whole time. Jess even told me when she got up to make an appointment for invitations, they looked her up and down with daggers in their eyes. The totally funny thing about all of this is the fact that my ex broke up with me! If they’re looking at me with hate because I am truly happy and she is off being misirable somewhere, it’s not my fault! Ahh, I love how the irony of the whole situation 4 years later puts a nice big smile on my face!

I close for the next 3 nights at work. Honestly, I’d rather be opening, but, you’ve got to roll with the punches sometimes. It should all be good regardless.

I have switched a few things up here in the past couple of weeks that I haven’t posted about. After a love affair which had lasted almost 10 years, I am no longer using Norton as my avti-virus software. I used toi be a diehard fan of their Security Center/Suite software, but in the past few years, it has really become some serious bloatware. In fact, I even switched to Norton Corporate Edition last year to trim some of the fat, but I still didn’t like what it considered a virus and what it didn’t. So, I switched over completely to AVG. We use it for i/o Computer on our MRI disc, and it works great. Best of all, it’s freeware. So far, it seems to really get the job done.

The other program I have been using a lot of too is Barca 2 as my email client. It’s fast, stable, lightweight, and does just about everything I need it to do. I really liked Thunderbird, but I check about 11 addresses everytime I load up the program. It seems like it would only check out 8 of those at a time, and just forget about the rest. This is unacceptable since I need to get all of my email when I ask for it. So far, Barca 2 seems to grab every message, everytime.

On a lighter note, Jess and I have been hook on ‘Millenium’ for the past few weeks. I always love dthe show when Sci-Fi used to show it with ‘The X-Files’ when I lived at home, and I haven’t seen it in years. After Christmas, Wal-Mart slashed the price of season one on DVD to a nice $19.99. I picked it up, and Jess started watching it with me. Needless to say that when we reached the final episode of the first season, she pouted like a little kid on Christmas who didn’t get the dolly she really wanted. So, being the nice guy that I am (and wanting it as well), I went out and bought the rest of the series. Right now we’re on disc 3 of season 2 and loving every minute of it.

Well, it’s about that time for me to go and get ready for work and all. Later…
