We’re Gonna Party Like It’s 1995

Today was a pretty good day. After sleeping in from being up until 4am working on the site, Jess and I had a nice breakfast. After that, we got ready and went to Bert and Kelly’s house for their daughter’s first birthday. We don’t get nearly enough time to hang out with those guys and it’s a shame because thay are really great people. Hell, the bertman and I used to hang out almost every day back in high school, and now, we’re lucky if we get to hang out once every six months! Hopefully with this new job and hours, I’ll be able to see them much more often.

While the Bertman and I were talking, the conversation of course turned to the subject of video games. We’re both hounds for nostalgic gaming, and we started talking about Duke Nukem 3D. Years ago when we were really into the game, I started making a map of our high school, but never finished it. It’s always bothered me that I never sat down and completed it, and it something I’ve been wanting to do for years. After talking with the Bertman, I decided to come home and put toagther a nice little DOS box using vintage parts. Truth be told, I had one already setup up with an ethernet card that I made a few years ago as a print server. So, I dig that out of the attic and hook it up tonight.

Behold…Windows 3.11!!

Windows 3.11

The only issue I seem to be having is with the Sound Blaster 16 card that in there. I have the original driver floppies and will have to re-install them tomorrow.  But as they say, that’s for another day. For me right now, it’s time to end this day and go to bed…I’ve got work in 8 hours. Later…
