Rain Sucks

Well, it’s been raining for about 5 days now, and so far there realyy haven’t been too many problems for me…until now.

I got off the phone with Jess around 11pm, and went downstairs to do some laundry. That’s when I noticed the 4 inches of water in my basement. Apparently, the drainage ditch I dug last 2 years ago during Hurricane Ivan broke–or so I thought. I started to clean out the water, and once I got it all out of one roon, I relieved the pressure under a wall in the adjoining room to drain it. That’s where the problems began.

I noticed that the water in the carport section of my basement was coming for the other section of the basement. It wasn’t until I started to drain that section that I realized how bad it was. Long story short, I found out where the water was coming in, and there’s not way to fix it right now. It’s actually seeping, scratch that, pouring in from under the foundation. I cleared the carport section 3 times, and redug my ditch. The ditch works great, but there’s no way to keep up with the sheer volumes of water coming at it. I estimated that I’m getting 1 inch per 5 minutes down there. Granted, once it reaches about 6 inches at the garage door it seems to start flowing out by itself, but that’s hardly a solution. I’ve spent the last hour getting the water out, to only have it fill back up in about 15 minutes. At this point and time, I can’t beat it. All I can do it wait until the rain lets up and see if I can get more out before it has a chance to refill. I even tooka picture of the manhole cover at the end of my driveway. It has about an 8 inch plume coming out from the cover. The pic is over at the moblog. –>

So, my only option right now is to wait a few hours and see what happens. By the looks of the radar, this all won’t be over until sometime tomorrow morning though. Me thinks Trevor may not be going to work tomorrow beacause he’ll be cleaning up from his flood.

Speaking of flood, they are evacuating parts of Wilkes-Barre tonight, and the flood gates are supposed to go up tomorrow. Should be a fun time!!
