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Man, it has been one busy week! I’m not sure really where to start…

Work has been hellacious. That’s all I really feel like talking about that subject.

Jess and I had a great weekend together. We went shopping all day Saturday for our wedding bands. We started out around 10am heading an hour south to Frackville. I treated Jess to lunch at Chick-Fil-A, and then we started ring shopping. Once we got done there, we started heading north again. We stopped again in Dickson City, and hour north of where we live, and had dinner at Texas Roadhouse to talk over our options. After we decided on our rings, I went to Scranton to get mine and Jess’s back in Wilkes-Barre.

Sunday was a nice semi-relaxing day around the house. My friend Lisa came over with her 2 kids to see the kittens. They only stayed for about an hour, but it was fun. After that Jess and I decided to go for a walk around Wilkes-Barre since it was a beautiful day to try and find some places to get pictures taken after the ceremony. Alas, we did not find any places we liked. Oh well.. After that, we cooked some burgers on the grill, and watched “Firewall”.

This week is all about getting ready for this weekend’s party. Jess and I are hosting the entire wedding party, parents, significant others, and children on Saturday for a get-to-know-you cookout. It’s a nice little get together so everyone can meet each other before the big day. So, in prep for that, Jess has been painting the living room, and we went looking today for a new couch. Although we did find a couch, we found out it has to be ordered and will not be here in time for the party. So, we’re holding off and that for a bit. Tomorrow, I start working on the outside of the house and Jess is continuing on the inside. It looks like we should have some good weather, so it should be a fun time.

For now, I think it’s time to spend some time with Jess watching some more episodes of “Ghost Hunters”. Tomorrow I should be able to finally upload a new wallpaper. So until then, later….
