It’s Still Thinking

Today is the 7th anniversary of the launch of the Sega Dreamcast, by far, my favorite video game system of all time. I can remember being at the midnight opening at Electronics Boutique and the swarms of people waiting to get their hands on this new, revolutionary 128 bit system. Funny thing about that midnight opening – I was there working it, even though I was not employed by EB. My girlfriend at the time worked there, and I was friends with all of the staff there given that I worked at Sears at the time which was only stores away. So, I met her and some of the guys from there for dinner before the opening at Chili’s. It was over dinner that they expressed uncertainy about having enough people there to handle the crowd. So, that’s when I volunteered to help out. They took me up on it, slapped a black Dreamcast t-shirt on me, and I shuttled systems to people from midnight until about 4am. I didn’t get paid for it, but I was such a fanboy for the system (still am too!), that I just wanted to be part of the launch.
