Life Is Good

Life is good right now. I was just going through some photos that people have sent us from the wedding, as well as some of our Honeymoon pics, and it really hit me that my life is really good right now.

I have found a woman that I love and have taken her as my wife. For some strange reason, she puts up with all of my g33kn3ss and tries to get excited with me when I see a new gadget I want. I can remember my life before I knew her, but I cannot imagine my life without her. She is without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me.

In looking at the pics from the wedding and rehearsal, I realized that I have the best circle of friends in my life.

I have a best friend who has been there with me through some pretty shitty days in my life, and stood by my side on the best day of my life as my Best Man. He’s followed me on some pretty hairy trips and ideas, and I have done the same. From printing out bad directions to towns in New Jersey for pen tablets, to taking a trip to D.C. on 45 minutes of sleep, to actually going into business together on nothing more than a dream. We’ve been there for each other to support when the other needed it, and to bitch-slap when we do something stupid. We can talk each other in or out of doing anything. Even though at time he thought I was nuts for some of the stuff I did for Jess, in the end, he knew somehow that it was all good. Even though JP and I have only known each other for 5 years, it seems like a lifetime. To turn a phrase from our mentor Kevin Smith, he is my hetero-lifemate.

Also at my side at my wedding was someone that if he wasn’t there, they day just wouldn’t be right. That would be my partner in crime The Bertman. I honestly can’t tell you exactly when we first met, but suffice it to say we’ve been buds for nearly 17 years. He’s just one of those guys who will get drunk and silly with you in a heartbeat, and in the same turn, will have the most serious of life-changing conversations with you as well. Through and through, a true lifelong friend.

Also at my side is someone who I’ve only known for 5 years, and yet, apparently has been hanging out with various members of my extended family for decades. This great guy would of course be Mike. Being the eldest and wisest of the group, he tends to be our Obi Wan Kenobi. He offers us up some advice, though like Obi Wan, cryptic at times. In thanks for his sage-like advice through the years, JP and I have graciously made him as dependent as we are on computers and technology. You’re welcome.

Joel is someone who I never would have guessed would end up in my wedding party. This is mostly due to the fact that I’ve only known him for about 2 years. But in those 2 years, we’ve grown to know each other and obsess about one thing — video games. Whenever we get together, the conversation will automatically turn to video games within 30 seconds. Go ahead, time us sometime…we won’t disappoint. He’s one of those free-spirited guys who really doesn’t let things get to him too much, a trait I not only admire but try to emulate. It was an honor to have him there at my side.

Last but not least, is my new brother-in-law Steph. Steph, like me, came into this family of his own volition by falling in love with one of the Hackett girls. And like him, I was unable to tear myself away, even for a minute. He initiated me in some of the Hackett ways, and thanks to his wife Brandi, Jess’s older identical twin, he now gives me a heads up of what Jess will be like in a few years. A fellow computer man, Jess and Brandi tend to roll their eyes a lot when we start talking g33k. And you know what…we’re cool with that.

These are the guys that I had by my side. But, Jess had some pretty groovy girls too that I like to think I’m pretty close with as well.

Her Maid of Honor Kelly is like a second sister to me. She’s one of those people I instantly bonded with and can call up at any time without hesitation. Not only a great friend, she makes a pretty good drinking buddy as well! A fellow fan of the video games, she used to have to hide her Nintendo DS when she stayed over for fear of me stealing it. But have no fear Kel, I have my own now. So let’s get this out right now — once summer hits, you and I have a date for some Mario Kart DS on the porch on a warm summer’s night, with a big ‘ol bottle of vodka and some Diet Pepsi!

Jenn and Brandi are Jess’s sisters, and well, mine too now I suppose. Jenn and I have a most interesting story about how we first met. I’m not going to re-tell it for the 1,000th time here, but let’s just say she didn’t earn the nickname Captain Underpants for nothing! As for Brandi, she’s the one who taught me it’s ok to have a little fun at Hackett Family Functions, and that it is weird to be asked to “finger a piece of cornbread” from the table. Thanks for that little piece of sanity!

Katie is someone I never really got to know too much before this whole wedding thing. I met her once very briefly by the roadside, and then followed that up with a Thai lunch a few months later. She’s a lot like me that she likes to keep to herself most of the time and just take in a conversation and observe. Jess has always talked very highly of her, and counts her as one of her best friends. In my book, that’s more than enough vindication for me to like her.

Last but not least is my sister Mel. She is someone who I can honestly say I have had a love/hate relationship with. Back in middle school, we wanted to kill each other. Quickly realizing that we would eventually take each other’s life in rage, we decided to just avoid each other in high school. That may sound harsh, but it worked. It really hasn’t been until the past few years that her and I have really gotten to bond and gotten to know one another. I saw a picture of both of us at the reception with our arms around each other. If you would go back in time and show that picture to either one of us 12 years ago, we would have both told you that would never happen. That picture is pretty amazing to me.

Well, I think I’ve babbled on long enough. I have all of these feelings in me all week and wouldn’t you know it, I left my Pocket PC at home. So, I had to wait until I got home to write most of this. However, once I looked at the picture from the wedding, it just reinforced what I feel inside.

Right now, at this moment, my life has never been better.
I am whole now.
I am complete.
