Getting Back To Normal

Last night was the first night I was on the computer since before the wedding. While true, I have been posting wedding and honeymoon pics on Flickr, last night was the first night I actually got some work done and got back into my old routine.

It feels good to get back to my ‘normal’.

The house is still a wreck from the wedding and honeymoon, but slowly it’s getting back to a habitable state.

In fact, I should be cleaning right now, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Plus, I have tomorrow off, and my favorite saying is “why do today what you can put off until tomorrow”. Plus, I need to setup a few more backups of various files since I have a few hundred wedding pics I really don’t want to lose. I’ll eventually drop them all to disc, but as nice as that is, I have a problem with keeping large amounts of files on disc. It’s damned inconveinant to try and look for that 1 files on a whole disc of files. So what I like to do is use a little program called Cobian that does nightly backups to my server. I doubt that my main system and my server will ever crash and burn within the same 24 hours period, so I feel this is a nice alternative since I can still browse all of the files on the network at anytime.

I know I’m going to be in trouble with the wife when she gets home if I don’t get anything done, but hopefully she’ll be too tired to notice. Hopefully… o_O
