Christmas Eve

So here it is, Christmas Eve 2006. I know it’s only been here for about 3 hours, but it’s still a bit of a head trip to think how fast 2006 went by. Christ, it seems like only a few months ago Jess and I put a deposit down on her engagement ring, and that was back in October of 2005!

I pulled a wallpaper out of the archives for Christmas this year. This was made for the Christmas of 2003 I believe, back when the primary domain for this site was In going through the archive of all the wallpapers I have published in the past, it was funny to look through them all. Looking at each wallpaper, I could instantly tell you what my life was like back them. Who I liked, what I was into at the time, and what my goals were. This got me a bit nostalgic, so I started reading some of my archives. I read a few months worth, and I started getting envious of my old life. Time when I would come home from work, play some games, work on the site and do whatnot. I found myself wishing for those days back, and how I couldn’t do those things now.

And then I had to ask myself why I couldn’t do those things.

There is no logical reason why I cannot do those things. Sure, the games thing may be hard with some other things I have on my plate right now, but it’s not impossible. Hell, I played Castlevania on my DS today for well over an hour why I re-install Windows on a machine. There is no reason I cannot do these things…I just have to make the time.

So, with that in mind, I decided to finally change a few things on the site. Granted, these are minor things, but these are all things building towards something. Eventually, in a few months, there’s going to be a complete re-deign again. This time however, it’s going to be from the ground up. This means that I am going to create a theme from scratch this time, and not just modify someone else’s theme. Basically, I am going to do with CSS what I used to do with HTML. This is something I have never really done before, and should be quite an experience.

But, until that time comes, you’ll just have to live with some modified tabs at the top of the page and a new header image.

I know I should be getting to bed since Jess’s alarm is going off right now. (she has to leave for work by 4:50am) Up until this point, I have not been tired. Today was literally the first day in about 3 weeks that I was able to sleep in properly. Granted, a few years ago that meant waking up around the noon time hour, but sadly with me getting up every morning at 5am, sleep until 10am is more than enough extra sleep for me.

Tonight is sushi and present night, and I had better get to be to be well rested. Later…
