Getting Back To ‘My Life’

For the first time in a long time last night, I did stuff that I wanted to do. I worked on my computer for a bit cleaning up and organizing the massive amounts of files that have collected on my desktop. After that I did some research and mock-ups for some new site layouts I’ve been thinking about. And then, for the first time in almost a month, I played World of Warcraft for almost 3 hours. I’ve got to tell you, is felt really good.

I’m off to the gym as soon as my waffles come out of the toaster, and after that, it’s back here for another me day. I gained a level in WoW last night, and I’m almost to my next level. My goal today is to try and gain at least 2 more levels. So, by the time I finally have to retire to my sleep chamber, my human warrior should be at level 13. Yes I know–level 13 after having the game for almost a month is quite sad and pathetic and I agree with you. But, I just can’t seem to find the time to play sometimes.

This is one of the things that I hope will change in the New Year!

Well, I’m off to my waffles, then sweating and rocking out to my iPod at the gym, and then finally, back here to run around with my warrior and kill some stuffs.

