
It sucks to be sick

Jess has been sick for the past week with a nasty flu, and now she has been kind enough to pass it on to me. I woke up yesterday morning with a sore throat, that by lunchtime, was full blown nausea and body aches. I went home after work, and had to shuffle some cars between my parent’s house, sister’s work place, home, and the mechanic’s. After that, I had a web conference call I had to be on at 6pm for a potential new job. I got so sick during the conference call (and no way I was taking the job), I cut it short and was asleep in bed by 7pm. I finally got out of bed at 11am this morning. That’s right, I slept 16 hours. The only time I got up was once at 3am to go to the bathroom, and then again at 5:45am to call off from work.

Now, I am sick, so you would expect that I would like nothing more than to lay down on the couch and maybe watch some TV right? Wrong. I woke up to nothing less that 3 voicemails this morning. After that, I had some emails I needed to return for i/o Computers, and in answering those emails, received 3 more voicemails. You see, I was sick and didn’t want to be bothered, but at the same time, I am one of those people who just can’t seem to shut off their cell phone. So, I just put it on silent mode when I don’t want to be disturbed. So, after answering those voicemails and creating a new email account for a client and ordering them 2 more domains, I was finally able to lay down and rest. NOPE! Jess came home and I was eager to see her since she is going away to New York this weekend. So, we sat there for while and talked, and then she made us a very nice dinner. Very nice at the time since I hadn’t eaten anything in over 24 hours, but now my stomach is making me seriously question my judgment to go back for seconds. Anyhow, after dinner Jess watched a movie, took a nap, woke up, took a bath, and she is now in bed. I am here in the living room with Loki sleeping on me, trying to decide if the pains in my stomach are nausea or hunger. Could be both actually. Plus my fever just broke. Yay!

I’m going to try and go into work tomorrow as I would really frown upon losing another day of work. I have to more days to go since we started Saturday rotations again this weekend. I’m really hoping that I don’t have to miss anymore time. Plus I really want to get better for this weekend since a bunch of us are going out for eats and drinks on Saturday night.

On other totally unrelated stuff, I think spring may have sprung. Even though it go up to almost 80 degrees on Tuesday, the forecast foe the next 5 days looks good with temps in the 50s and 60s. This is really good since I really want to get out of the house and be more active. I never renewed my membership to the gym because
A) I wasn’t going as often as I wanted to
2) Spring was coming and I wanted to do a lot more outside and spend less time inside

I was really considering going back and re-opening my membership with the way the weather was going the past 3 weeks. But, it looks like the weather may be in my favor to get some good walks in with my iPod.

As for me right now, I’m going to try and maybe watch some TiVo to try and get myself tired and get a few hours of sleep before I have to wake up at 4:45am to get my ass ready for work.
