Inner G33k

I haven’t had much of a chance to be a g33k lately. Mostly because of time and other commitments. Take right now for example. I should be knee deep in working on “A History of Hanover Green Cemetery”, but I slept in a bit longer than I wanted to (2 hors longer actually) and now I am behind. But, you’ll have that.

A week from today I will be on vacation at at Kyla’s birthday party. I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to this vacation. The only day I have any plans is on Saturday. I have Kyla’s birthday party, and then after that we are going to Easton to have dinner with Jess’s grandfather since he is in town. Granted, the dinner may actually be Sunday since we haven’t gotten confirmation yet, but I’m hoping for Saturday so we can get everything out of the way in 1 day and Jess and I can relax on Sunday.

Last night we actually got a chance to go out. I had an i/o Computers job to do after work, and she had to go to the grocery store. I got home about 3 minutes before she did, but needed to work up an estimate on parts for the customer and call them back before ordering said parts. While I did that, she put away all the groceries (thanks baby!). We got done about the same time and discovered we were both starving. We talked about what to make for dinner, but already being after 5:30, we decided to head out. While talking about where to go, I remembered that we had been saving some gift cards to Red Lobster. We found then and did indeed have several gift cards saved up. So, off to Red Lobster we went.

Having the gift cards (enough to pay for our standard meal), and the fact that it was Lobster Fest, we decided to order up on whatever we wanted. We got a really nice appetizer, Jess got a huge freakin’ platter of lobster, pasta, and potatoes, and I got some steak and lobster. After dinner, we actually participated in some desert. After all was said and done, we ended up paying about we normally would have paid for a dinner, sans the gift cards. So basically, we ate like kings for the price of a normal dinner. Time to go into my Visa Rewards account and redeem my points for some more gift cards!!
