Give Me A Shop-Vac & A Turkey Baster

(I actually think that’s a name of a porn movie)

So my flu has decided to comeback in a highly organized attack today.

I had a very good day yesterday. I felt great, got my apatite back, and was feeling rather well overall.

Then I woke up this morning.

I’m not sure if having a dog, and 2 cats sleep on you because your wife is away had anything to do with it, but everything has collected right in my throat. I woke up with a soar throat, cough, inability to breathe, could barely swallow, and barely talk. What fun!

I’ve been nursing my throat with some green tea (iced variety) and it seems to help while the tea is going down, but as soon as it’s swallowed, it lurches right back in on its territory. I’ve been trying to clean the house all afternoon, and everythime I get into a groove, I start coughing so much my chest actually hurts and I have to stop and sit down for a spell. When this happens, it’s like someone hits me in the chest with a wiffle ball bat. Not too pleasing, let me tell you.

I actually got a chance to play World of Warcraft for about 3 hours yesterday. I played an hour with Sied, my Undead Warlock, and then I started up my Orc Warrior Ballmer. I had him to level 5 withing in hour, and the to level 7 after another hour of exploring and questing. Quite fun actually. I’m thinking that I’m more of a Horde guy than an Alliance guy. Who knew?

My eventual plan it to have a nice little WoW sidebar to the right with my character info. The only issue I am running into is being able to add more than 9 text widgets to my site. I have to see if there is a workaround, and if not, I’m just going to have to get creative.

For now. I’m off onto the internets, going to try and stay warm, and nurse my throat till Jess calls me and lets me know she’s on her way home from New York so I can start dinner.
