Getting The Itch

It’s been a few months, and I’m starting to get the itch to change up the site again.

I’m not as to what kind of design, but the sire feels stagnant.

I’m thinking about going back to something similar in feeling to my blue design that debuted in November 2002. I think I want something with a dynamic header that I can change very easily on the fly. I also like the simplicity of the navigation. I feel like I have too much in my sidebars. The most expendable thing to take out was my LastFM album quilt. The next thing that may say goodbye is my book link, and possibly even my Google AdSense banners. I’m not making as much as I used to, so I have to sit down and question from a design standpoint if such a large skyscraper is really necessary.

I’m taking an extra 2 days off after we get back from the beach to relax and decompress a bit before going back to work. I think I may have to sit down for a few hours and mock something up.

In other non-geek news, Jess and I went to see ‘Superbad’ tonight before going out for some sushi. Everyone had told me this was a must see and I must agree with them. Although to be fair, I think my favorite part was before the movie even came on. The showed the teaser trailer for ‘The Dark Knight’ before the film.

I had a geekgasm.

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