Fun and Productive Weekend

This was a rare weekend where I was not only productive, but had fun as well.

On Saturday afternoon, I finally got an opportunity to sit down with the Wii. I played Super Mario Galaxy for a little over 2 hours and am officially in love with the game. After a most delicious dinner of Jess’s famous meatloaf, I went into the computer room for the rest of the night. I saw that WordPress 2.5 had dropped earlier in the day, so I updated this site and the GrUG site to 2.5. The upgrade was painless, the new interface pretty slick, and the plugin management a dream.  By the time I was done with that, it was time to record GrUG. JP was in Maryland, so it was just me and Bertman. We had a great podcast recording for a little over an hour and a half. After we were done, I went back to the Wii and finally bought Super Mario 3. I played the first 3 levels, and then decided to start editing the podcast since Jess and I had plans for early Sunday. I edited about 31 minutes of finished audio, and by that time, my eyes were starting to close. So, I headed off to bed.

Sunday, Jess and I slept in until about 10:00am. We got up, showered, and headed to Waffle House for breakfast. After a most delicious breakfast, we went shopping for Jess’s mom’s birthday, and then headed over to Cinemark and saw ‘Run Fat Boy Run’, a most excellent flick. After the movie, we went to Maureen’s for some of the best ice cream on the planet, and then went home and took Loki for a walk. Afterwards, I finished editing the new episode of GrUG, and then grilled up some steaks on the grill.

And that brings me to making this post right now.

This is the last weekend Jess and I will be able to do stuff like this for a few weeks, and for once, I’d like to think we’ve made the most of our time together!
