Week Done, Week Beginning

I can’t believe how fast time is going! We’ll be half way through March 2008 by the end of the week. Wasn’t last week New Year’s Day??

I haven’t been doing much this past week other than working and sleeping. I finally almost over my illness, and finally feel somewhat normal. In fact, I even plan on going back to the gym this week. It really pissed me off that I lost a month’s worth of membership ($25) by being sick for almost all of February. Between the stomach flu, and then my concoction last week, I was down for almost 4 weeks. What a bummer!

In my last post, I talked about getting my new cell phone. Having used it everyday for the past 10 days, here are my impressions. First, I love the form factor. It’s as thin as a Razor, and yet, has a full QWERTY keyboard. The main screen is bright and generous, while the front screen is clear, yet not too bright.

But, as always, not everything can be good.

I’ve had an issue from day one with text replies via Twitter. Whenever I receive a reply, I cannot read it. In order for me to see it, I must forward the text, and then it will show up in the body of the forward. I have yet to figure out how to fix this.

My second issue, which is just a personal thing, is the camera. The camera takes great pictures, but there is a slight delay in the camera that I have not experience with my phones in the past. Granted though, I have never owned a Samsung phone before. All of my previous camera phones have been LGs. I’m sure there is this is exactly how the camera is supposed to function. However, this is not something I am used to. With time, I’m sure I will be shooting crystal clear pictures with ease. For now though, I have to make a conscious effort to compensate for said delay.

This weekend was pretty fun. Jess and I went to lunch yesterday at Abe’s Hot Dogs, and then headed down to Hazleton to go see ‘The Bank Job’. The flick was rather good and entertaining. After that, we headed over to the mall for an Aunt Annie’s pretzel, and walked around for a bit. After we got bored with the mall, we headed home. I then setup Amazon Unbox on our TiVo, and rented ‘Michael Clayton’. While that was downloading, I went to the grocery store for some soda and KFC for some dinner. Since the movie wasn’t done yet, we watched the season finale of ‘Stargate Atlantis’ and ate some dinner. Afterwards, we watched some more TV and then headed off to have a little husband and wife time.

Today we woke up and went down to Easton to Jess’s dad’s house to have brunch with her grandfather who was in for a visit. It was really cool to see him since he lives out by Pittsburgh. After that, we headed to Phillipsburg and to Kelly’s house. While the girls hung out, I took a quick nap on Kelly’s couch. When I finally woke up, we went and picked up Katie and the four of us headed to Olive Garden for a most excellent dinner. After dinner, we filled on the cheap Jersey gas (0.26 cheaper per gallon!), dropped the girls off, and headed home.

Sadly, it’s now time to go to bed. We’ve both got long days ahead of us tomorrow and neither one of us is looking forward to it. The sooner we’re both back in bed tomorrow night, the better!
