iDid It

I did something this week I swore I would never do — I bought an iPhone.

I have been considering this for the past 2 weeks or so, ever since they announced the new 3G S model. In the end, I was not only able to convince myself that it was a good idea, but I was also able to convince my wife.

I met Jess for dinner this past Tuesday, and it was during this dinner that I presented my case for breaking my current contract with Verizon and not only committing myself to a new 2 year contract with AT&T, but laying down the cabbage for a new iPhone 3G S. By the time we left the restaurant, she was not 100% convinced. We next headed over to Pier 1. I made my case again while shopping there as well. This time, I added that if we both went over to AT&T and got a family plan, we might save money every month. She was not quite as hip as I was about breaking her Verizon contract since she had over another full year left on hers. Next, we were headed to Staples. We did not talk about my idea at all there. In fact, it was my lovely wife who was to bring up the topic. While walking back to our cars, she asked if I wanted to go look at iPhones and what the price for a family plan would be. I asked if she was sure, and gave me that little wry smile that told me she was up to something. So, off to the mall we went.

Arriving at the AT&T store, we went right to the counter and started asking questions. Within 5 minutes all of our questions were answered. Yes, if we went on their cheapest family share plan not only would we have more minutes then we use every month, but those minutes would roll over each month. And yes, we would save on average about $40 a month on our cell bill. After talking with the clerk about the iPhone and the plan, I looked to my wife for that seal of approval that all married men need. She smiled and said everything sounded good to her. And then, to my utter dismay, she looked to me and told me she wanted an iPhone as well. My geek heart swelled. I looked proudly at the clerk and said we’ll take the plan and 2 iPhones. And this is where the clerk killed my proud geek heart. They were sold out of the iPhone 3G S and would have to order them. The lead time? Seven to fourteen days. I killed the urge to buy the old regular 3G model for instant gadget satisfaction and ordered them. I went home unfulfilled, like a little kid that just told Santa what he wanted for Christmas, but now needed to wait 2 weeks until Christmas.

The next day I got a nice email from AT&T letting me know my order for 2 iPhones had been placed. The email said that the order was processing — nothing more. It did have that nice disclaimer that my order should be shipped withing the next 7 to 14 days. For the next few days, every time I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket my heart skipped a beat in anticipation that it was the AT&T store calling to let me know our phones were in. Nothing. In fact, the status of our order seemed to be made of permafrost. Then, on Friday morning while I was home having lunch, I decided to check the status again right as I was leaving to go back to work. That’s when my heart skipped a beat. The phones had shipped! I quickly clicked away on the FedEx tracking number to see when they would get there. Much to my shock and dismay, they were shipped overnight and would arrived at the store that very day before 3pm. Needless to say, I went back to work in a much better mood then I had left. My shift was only until 2pm that day, and I was headed to the mall immediately after.

I arrived at the mall around 2:30pm and headed directly to the AT&T store. I had thought about chilling for a while and waiting until the 3pm deadline, but I decided to look lady luck in the eye and take a chance. I walked in and went right up to the counter. They asked what I needed and I told them I was here to pick up 2 phones for Shafer. A guy went into the back and emerged a few minutes later with…2 large boxes in the hands. They had arrived!! After about 20 minutes of activations, porting phone numbers, and paperwork, I left the AT&T store with 2 new iPhones for my lovely bride and me.

My first impressions of the iPhone? Awesome! My second impression after using it for a full day today? Bad ass! Awesome phone! Even my wife can barely put hers down. I think this was one of the better purchases we have made. We both have great phones to take some great pictures and videos of Jackson with, and we are saving a lot of money with having a new, condensed cellular plan. All in all, a win win situation.

And of course, it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t immediately geek out my iPhone!
