
Last night at work I was having an admittedly bad day. I just did not want to be there and was very disgruntled. I met my wife for dinner and vented to her about my frustration. My frustration came from the fact that with my schedule I seem to be doing nothing but close lately. My wife, always trying to be the bright star in my gloomy night, tried to cheer me up. And as usual, she did manage to cheer me up. I went back to work not thinking about how much I did not want to be there, but what I would do when I got home.

As I walked around my departments, I let my mind wander. I used to do this years ago when I was working in hardware, and used to come up with some great ideas this way. Anywho, letting my mind wander, a random thought came into my mind.

“I miss being a tech-head”

My tech-head days have long been behind me ever since we closed i/o Computers. I took a beloved hobby of mine that I really enjoyed, tried to turn it into a profession, and in doing so, totally soured my hobby forever. I promised myself right then and there that I would not do that again. Only one question presented itself now.


I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to do something that would make money. If I did something to try and make money, there’s that pressure to make said money. I was looking for another tech hobby. Again, I came up with nothing. That is, until my buddy Jerry texted me around midnight tonight. He knew nothing of what I had been thinking about. In fact, only 2 people knew what I was thinking about and that would be my wife and JP. However, not knowing what I had been thinking about for the last 24 hours, Jerry seemed to not only find a solution, but sum it all up very simple. Here is his text message in its entirety.

“Growing Up Geek?”

Prefect! It’s a property we created and abandoned. It’s something I loved doing, and something that was not revenue driven. To me, this fit the bill. So, we texted back and forth like all good geeks do for about 20 minutes and tried to come up with something resembling a plan. Right now we have come up with this: we want to do it, we just need to figure out a time good for all of us. We said we might try and record this weekend, but again, we may or may not. This was the main reason we stopped recording back in February. We just couldn’t come up with a mutual time & date to get everyone on Skype at the same time.

When I asked Jerry what made him ask about Growing Up Geek, he said he just listed to the last episode we recorded, and really missed it. In fact, I am listening to that very episode on my iPod as I type this, and I am laughing my ass off. I so want to start doing GrUG again. And we will, one way or another, in the words of the venerable Captain Jean-Luc Picard, “Make It So”.
