In The Crosshairs

We’re in the corsshairs of a nasty storm that is due to show its face around here in about 12 hours. It’s supposed to start around 8am this morning with some light snow, and then some really heavy snow by this afternoon. By this evening, it should be a full-on snow storm with 25-35mph winds. Right now they are calling for 10-15 inches of snow.

Do I have work today? Yes. Will I be calling off? No. Since I took off Tuesday because Jackson was sick I really need to go in. So, unless it’s absolutely treacherous out there tomorrow at 1pm, I will be going in for my shift at 2pm. In all honesty, I don’t mind. It should be a nice easy night given that most people will probably call off and there will be little to no customers.

That is, assuming that we do get hit with this big storm. As always, I am a pessimist on the outside, and a little kid on the inside wishing for snowmageddon.
