The Home Land

For some odd reason I could not stop thinking about our trip to England back in 2007 and how much I miss that place. You know how you’ve gone somewhere and you really like the place and can’t wait to go back? For me, England was more than that. It’s weird — and yet, not so weird — but I felt like I had come home when I was there. Granted, at first I was taken a little aback at first. After the second day though, we totally settled into the lifestyle so much that we were mistaken for locals on the rail on night coming back from Thirsk. To this say, not a week goes by where I reference something from our time there or make a comment that I want to go back.

My ultimate dream one day would be to actually make the move across the pond and life there with my family. That’s how much my wife and I fell in love with the land, people and country. Granted that this will probably not come to fruition, but without dreams, what would life be like?

Some people say that they ‘left a piece of themselves’ when they leave a place they really loved. I think I may have left more than a piece of myself in England. Given that my Nanny (to whom I was very close) was born in England and lived there for many years, I can understand why I feel this way.

I really hope that I make it back there one day and show my son what all those stories were about.
