Time With Family

Today was my first day off in a week. When I say a week, I literally mean a week. I just got done working the past 7 days straight. It sucked. Big time.

So on my first day off in a week, I wanted to do three things. Luckily, all three of these things go very well together.

  1. Spend time with my family
  2. Get out of the house
  3. Have fun

Instead of sleeping in, I decided to set the alarm clock so that we could all get up and make the most of the day. We did just that, leaving the house around 11am for a day where nothing was planned at all.

It was great!

First we headed to the mall to look around. While there, I got to have a real lunch with my wife and son for the first time in a long time.

Lunch With My Son Lunch With My Wife

After lunch, we went and hit some of the End Of Summer sales going on. We ended up making out like bandits at J.C. Penny’s! The savings were literally epic!



Not only did we get a ton of clothes for Jackson, but we ended up buying his first pair of shoes that actually came in a real shoe box! This task was not accomplished without a little heartache though. After having Jackson’s feet sized by the clerk, I heard what no father wants to hear — my son has been cursed with his father’s wide feet. Yes, my son got his dad’s Hobbit feet. Not only are shoes going to be difficult to get for him, but they’ll be pricey as well. On the bright side, if he ever wants to go as Frodo for Halloween, being short, having wavy hair and wide hairy feet will be a natural born bonus!

Once we were done at the mall we went and did some more shopping in the surrounding stores. While in Babies R Us we starting talking about Jackson’s upcoming birthday in October. Since Party City is literally across the parking lot in the next plaza, we made the trek over there to look at invitations and themes. After going back and forth, I think we may have come to a compromise by joining elements from 2 different themes to create one kick ass party. Oh yeah, I decided to have a little fun while we were there as well.

Hold The Line The Game Is Afoot To The Moon

After all of our shopping was complete, we headed to my parent’s house since I got an email* while at the mall that my mother’s computer needed a little geekly TLC. The computer, feeling intimidated by being in the presence of such Geek Godliness, needed but 1 single keystroke to rid it of its ailments. (+1 inanimate intimidation received!) After that we all hung out for an hour or so before picking up some Chinese food from the always excellent Asian Cafe and headed home to feast.

Right now Jess is watching TV, Jackson is roaming the house playing with whatever he can get his hands on, and I’m at the kitchen table with my laptop. Did it suck having to work 7 days straight without any time off? Absolutely! Was it worth it all for a day like today. Without question, it was all worth it!

*If you had told me 6 years ago that I would be receiving emails while at the mall without a computer I would have called you crazy…and then killed you for your Time Machine. Mmmm…Time Machine.
