Hunt In Jeopardy

Monday is the first day of deer season. As is tradition, I will be off from work and in my tree stand most of the day hunting for that elusive whitetail. But this year, it seems that my hunt may be in jeopardy.

Jess got struck down by a very nasty bug on Friday. By the time I came home from work, she was down and out on the couch with chills, body aches, fever, congestion, and cough. I even left the house for a few hours with Jackson so she could take a nice quite nap. When I came home, she went from bad to worse. She ended up going to bed around 9:30pm.

The next morning, I was first up with Jackson. Unfortunately, I felt just as my wife did the night before. I had been infected. Unfortunately, I had to work last night. I made it through the whole night, but just barely. I made it home and immediately began medicating myself.

This morning, I was up early feeling like crap. I medicated some more, but then was greeted my a massive nose bleed. I have been getting them almost everyday for the past 3 weeks, but this was one of those bleeds where you just stand over the sink and let it flow right out. After about 5 minutes of this, it finally slowed down enough so I could manage it with tissues.

I as planning on putting up most of the Christmas stuff today, but right now those plans are up in the air. I have a feeling that I’ll be spending most of the day medicating and resting. I just hope that I feel better by tomorrow morning so I can go hunting. I have already made the decision that if I don’t feel better, I am not going Monday. I have 2 other days that I can go hunting this season if I miss Monday. It’s not worth going on Monday if I’m not feeling better, only to get more sick, and then start missing work which will cost me money. Hunting is a fun recreation that I enjoy. Sitting in a tree with a high fever and body aches while the wind whips around me does not sound like a fun time.

Here’s to hoping I feel better through modern chemistry!
