The Year That Was

I realized last night that I never got around to writing one of my ‘year end’ posts for 2010. So here it is. albeit a few days late.

Rather then re-has everything that happened in the past year, I’m going to do this:

    Top 5 Things I Am Proud of Doing In 2010

  • Finally kicked my soda habit. I drank less soda in 2010 then I normally would have in a single week
  • Supported my family on just my income for the entire year. This WAS NOT planned, but we made it work.
  • Helped Jess FINALLY complete her teaching certifications by being Mr. Mom from 7am-2pm everyday and closing every shift for 5 months.
  • Quit drinking. Me and alcohol just don’t agree.
  • Trying to make the best life possible for my son.
    Top 5 Things I Want To Work On For 2011

  • Improve my time-management skills.
  • Take more trips with my wife and son.
  • Make more home repairs/improvements.
  • Spend more time with friends.
  • Try and cut out big chain restaurants from our eating habits. If we do eat out, make sure it’s a locally owned establishment.

All in all 2010 was better then most years. Having Jackson around really helped make that happen. Now that he walking and getting smarter everyday, I have a feeling that 2011 is going to be a banner year!
