24 Months

This is how long Jackson has been in my life. He has changed me in more ways than I can possibly image. Becoming a father has been one of the best things to ever happen to me.

It has taught me to look at the world in a completely different way. It has taught me to never, ever, take the little things for granted. Simple things like my son’s smile or his giggle can totally turn my day around.

Being a father has also help set some new priorities in my life. No longer do I buy things for myself. Instead, I spend the majority of my money either on him on on things to make our life as a family better together. A perfect example of this would be out new living room. We’ve spent the last 2 months remodeling the living room to make it a proper area for our son to grow up and play in. The night I got done with the floor, Jackson ran around and played on it until it was time to go to bed. See him laugh, play with all of his wheeled toys without the constraint of the old, nasty carpet, made all of those house of cutting Pergo and ripping up old flooring worth every second.

When I met Jess, she made me a better man. When Jackson was born, he made me the man I’ve always wanted to be.
