The End Of A Great Weekend

This was my one weekend off a month I I’d like to think I spent it quite well.

Saturday got started with a little sleeping in (9:00am) followed by some family time. In the early afternoon I took off and did my weekend running around. This equates to getting supplies for anything I’m working on, and supplies to complete my Honey-Do-List from my wife. After stops to Sam’s Club, PetSmart, and Lowe’s, I was all set. I came home, put away the Sam’s Club bounty (I literally did buy Bounty — paper towels) I went to work on fixing the toilet. This brings me to a funny story.

At the behest of my wife, I bought a new FluidMaster fill valve and float. The last one started to go and she was quite unhappy at how loud the toilet was filling up. I told her I was about to fix the toilet, which requires shutting off water to the toilet and emptying all the waster from the bowel and tank. Just as I got all of the water out, the old float and fill valve removed, my wife came running in with her legs crossed. “OhMyGodIHaveToGo!!” I looked at her with a puzzled face. “You knew I was going to do this. It’s going to be at least another five minutes before the toilet is ready to be used. She cursed under her breath and totted, cross-legged, back to the kitchen. Five minutes later, the toilet was in perfect operating and wife wife was in there doing things that I really don’t need to know about.

After our toilet adventure, I then had to wrestle each cat to the ground and put collars on them. That to a new haribrained ordinance from the lovely township in whic we live, all stray cats are being rounded up and sent to the SPCA. Since out cats have been outdoor cats since day one, keeping them inside is simply not an option. So, they all now wear collars — with bells on them! I was going to cut off the bells when it came to me — if I keep the bells on, other animals will hear the sound. That means that the days of them bringing home dead, or live, vermin is over. They will hear the cats coming from a mile away. Double victory in my book!

Once my career as an amateur cat wrestler was complete, I cut the yard which resulted in my second shower of the day. LAter that night after Jackson went to bed, Jess and I went outside and enjoyed a nice fire in our fire pit. It was nice to just sit there with each other and enjoy the fire. My wife even made a couple of hotdogs over the open flames. It was nice and cool outside with a gentle breeze. If the temperature was in the upper 50s, the night would have been perfect.

Today resulted me getting up early and heading Doran’s farm to pick up 2 dozen ears of corn. We ate one dozen for dinner, and froze another dozen to enjoy in the winter months. After I acquired the corn, we hung out until Jackson came out of our room a ghost. He was covered head to tow with Jess’s lotion. I took Jack and Jess to to the bedroom. It took two bathes to get Jack clean. After the clean up , we were all hungry, we we went to Friendly’s for lunch. After that, we went to the mall to get Jess more lotion.

After dinner, I made a nice arrangement with my neighbor Jill. She lost her grass cutter since we is going to college. We made a deal — I take care of her grass in return for babysitting credits. I jumped at the opportunity and immediately cut her grass. In turn, she is watching Jack wednesday night while Jess is at rehearsal and I’m at work. I like this!

As for the rest of this evening, it will be my wife and I, lounging on the couch, watching a little TV. A calm way to end a great weekend.
