Troubled Times

So when I got up this morning, about 25 minutes ago, I came upstairs to work a little bit on my computers. When I switched my monitor to the PC input, I was starring at the logon screen. I had hoped that instead of a screensaver that the PC had just kicked me out to the logon screen. I would soon find out that this was indeed not the case. When I logged in, I found a perfectly clean desktop, just as I had left it. When I opened Chrome, it told me that it did not shut down properly and asked if I wanted to restore my previous session. That’s when I knew my PC had rebooted sometime in the middle of the night.

I really thought I had solved this problem last night. So now I am in a conundrum. Do I just live with it, do I wipe the OS drive and see if it makes a difference, or do I look at the hardware side of things? Even though it has been some years since I have worked on PC, my previous experience tell me that it could be one of four things.

One, it could be bad RAM. There’s an easy utility out there called MemCheck and I think I may download and run later on today.

Two, it could be a fluctuation in the power supply. I doubt that is the problem since the reboots tend to be totally random and not when’s it’s under a high load.

Three, it could be the motherboard. I am again not learning to this conclusion as the errors would be more prevalent and I would hope not as random as they are.

Four, it is a software problem. This honestly makes the most sense to me. I know it’s somewhat of a long shot since I have absolutely no clue what software function could be doing it, but I think it is the most likely candidate.

Now to make a decision on which option to proceed with. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
