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Last May, May 15, 2012 to be exact, a game came out that I had been waiting for with baited breath for years. That game would be Diablo III.

When Diablo II came out back in 2000, it literally consumed me. The game was fantastic, insomuch that I still play it to this day. So you can imagine when Diablo III came out and I found out my PC did not meet it’s bare minimum specifications how bummed I was. As for playing it on my Mac Mini — forget it. It only had a built in Intel graphics cared and couldn’t even start to handle the graphics that Diablo III would throw at it. It would appear that Diablo III would have to wait until I got a new computer.

Three weeks ago I came home from the Apple store with a brand new iMac. I was having so much fun setting everything up with the 2 hours I was allotted everyday (in between Jack falling asleep and my bedtime) that I never even thought about games until last week.

I took a trip by myself to Best Buy to decompress after a rather trying day with Jackson. While there I happened to wander over to the PC game section. There was Diablo III, a game I had given up on ever playing. I picked up the box and looked at its specs. To my surprise (and I’m not sure why it was a surprise) my new iMac could easily handle this game. Alas, there was only one problem — the new iMacs do not come with an optical drive. I had no way to install it. Then I looked above the boxed games and there was row after row of download cards, and right there in the middle was a card for Diablo III. I looked at the card and it was pretty straight forward. You buy the card at the same price you would buy the game, then on the receipt, there is your activation code. You go home, download the full game, input the activation code, and the full game is yours. And like that, I forgot all about it as I left the store.

Three days ago I was up here playing around on the iMac and for some weird reason Diablo III came into my head. I went online to check it out and I was greeted by a great surprise — you could play until the end of Act 1 and there was a level cap at 13. After that, you would have to purchase the full game. So naturally, I downloaded the free play trial and hoped that I was correct in thinking my new iMac could handle it. In the words of the 10th Doctor, “Oh yes!”

So it looks like when I get paid next week I will be purchasing the full version of the game.

And ask me if it’s worth the wait of 9 months to play? Oh yes!
