My Little Girl

My wife and I had a conversation the other day about Wolfric and Minuet. Before we had either of the dogs, we had one of the best dogs in the world — Loki.

After the sudden death of Loki last year, there was an emptiness in the house that was unbearable. After 48 hours of this emptiness we knew we had to fill it or our hearts would never heal. We went out that night and bought a cute little white miniature schnauzer and named him Wolfric.

Unbeknownst to us, it turns out that schnauzers tend to bond to one person and one person only. As I was working and my wife was not at the time, she spent almost 8 months with it just being her and him. As you can imagine, they bonded in a way that was unbreakable. It was such a bond that he would not listen to me, let me walk him, and physically would not let me near him. Let me tell you, not being able to play with your dog is a real bummer.

Being home for the past few months, I have had lots of time to think about a lot of things. One of those things that I thought about was getting a dog of my own; a dog that would bond with me, be my shadow, and be my best friend. This would not only fill the hole that Loki left in my life, but I thought we would be good therapy for my mental illnesses. After we got our tax return this year, I went and bought Minuet.

So the conversation we had the other day was about our dogs. Jess to this day cannot believe that I went for a dog like Minuet. She thought I would want a big dog, or a medium sized dog like Loki that I would play fetch with and wrestle with. To be honest, I had thought about getting a dog like that. In fact, if I could I would have bought another jack russell/boston terrier in a heartbeat. But finding such a specific mix is very hard. Plus, even though it would look like Loki, I know it would never have his personality. I came to the conclusion that I would never be able to replace him.

So thinking about what kind of dog I wanted, I listed a few things that I would like.

  • Something small enough to snuggle with
  • Something that will be faithful
  • Something that would great with kids
  • Something that would not get big on me

After looking of my list of requirements, I quickly realized that I wanted a nice, tiny dog. With that in mind, I went out one day to see what I could find. The first pet store we stopped at I found Minuet. The owner said they had just gotten her, she was 8 weeks old, and I was the first person to play with her. I fell in love instantly and bought her.

In the past 2 months that she has been in my life, she has turned out to be everything I was looking for. She follows me around the house, cries when she cannot be in the same room as me, and snuggles up to me every chance she gets. She even tiny enough that she lays on my should and falls asleep. She’s my little girl.

So when my wife laughed that her dog was bigger then mine and she still couldn’t believe that I bought such a tiny dog, I had to laugh myself. I never thought that I would want such a small dog myself, but it turns out that she was exactly what I wanted and needed after Loki. She’s my little companion.
