Busy Times

I know posts have been few and far between lately, but it’s not due to nothing going on in my life.

You may or may not have not have noticed that the site was down for quite a few days over the weekend and part of this week. My server got hacked via a WordPress injection. What the hell does that mean? It means that all of my WordPress installs (twev1701.net, grug.tv, afullbobbin.com) all went down. Normally this would have sent me into a panicked rage but since I was still on a high of seeing ‘The Best of Both Worlds’ on the big screen last Thursday, I did not really care. In fact, I really didn’t even think about it for a few days. Then on, I believe Sunday night, I got serious about it and spent a few hours purging the demons. After about 10 hours of scans, I was able to clean everything and the server is back at 100% and serving up goodness to the webs.

The weather has also broken here. We’ve finally made it out of the 50s and are now enjoying some temperatures in the 60s. Needless to say that this has been getting us out the house. We went down to the farm on Saturday and had a great time. I painted my grill last night/this morning and I cut the grass this evening. Jack has been outside a lot and we’ve been playing football and baseball in the backyard. We also have been running around like children with some squirt guns. It’s bee a real blast!

But it’s back to putting together podcasts to server unto the internets. I just got the latest two episodes of ‘Time Limit Draw’ and they aren’t going to upload and post themselves. Talk to you later!
