Upgrading The Nook

Jess and I were talking the other day about how nice it is to have all of the Macs downstairs. The Mac Mini is running our PLEX server and is hooked up to the TV. The iMac is in the little nook we call our ‘pseudo hallway’ since I didn’t feel like going up to the info know as my office in the summer. The iMac has been sitting on a little table since it was only going to be down here for the summer months. That was the plan anyway.

We have been talking about keeping the iMac downstairs so either of us can be on the computer and be relatively in the same room. (if you have ever been in my house, you know what I mean) I would have no problem with this except when podcasting season starts in October I need it upstairs in my studio. Then I took a shower today…

I seem to have some of my best ideas in the shower. I remembered back when Jack was on deck and I needed to surrender my computer room, I bought a little Ikea workstation to replace my 5ft desk. It sucked, but it was something that I needed to do. Eventually I was able to clear out enough room in the attic and reassemble my desk up there. I broke the workstation down and packed it away. I remembered that the workstation was 32″ wide. I don’t know why I remember that but I do. I got out of the shower and checked the measurements of the nook. I would just fit!

So, after my shower I got all sweaty again crawling through the attic, getting the pieces of the workstation and brining it downstairs. It was assembled in no time and replaced the table in the nook. About 45 minutes of running wires, bringing down my podcasting equipment and hooking it all up, I now have my studio setup downstairs right off of the living room.

Now Jess is very happy about this since she won’t have to go upstairs to do her lesson plans. But, I think she might regret it come 10pm every Friday starting in 6 weeks.

If you want to see what is actually there hit up these 2 links.

Details of the desktop.
Details of the bottom shelf.
