Doctor Who 50th Anniversary

Last night Jess and I got to see the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special, in the theater, in 3D. This was the first time we had seen the special and it was fantastic! The special aired on TV on Saturday and I avoided everything, including Facebook, all weekend so that nothing would be spoiled. Even though I did accidentally catch 2 spoilers on Twitter, in the end nothing was spoiled for me. Thanks God!

To say the special was fantastic would be a gross understatement. It was almost 77 minutes long and it was amazing from beginning to end. I am normally not that big of a fan of 3D, but in this case it was brilliant. The 3D didn’t detract at all from the movie but it enhanced it. In the movie there are 3D paintings that play a vital role in the story. Seeing the 3D paintings in 3D was amazing. Plus the schtick with the Doctors (10 & 11) before the movie talking about 3D was priceless. I particularly loved with when David Tennant came on the screen. Matt Smith did all the introductions and then David Tennant came onto the screen and he basically got a standing ovation from the crowd. That was quite fantastic.

Speaking of the crowd, with the exception of a few seats here and there, the theater was completely full. With people in costume, people wearing Doctor Who shirts (guilty) and people with Sonic Screwdrivers, it was an all out geek-fest.

Jess is still amazed how us geeks can assemble and geek out together in mass. I need to get this girl to a convention and show her what we’re really capable of!!

I think I’ve said all that needs to be said.

Oh wait! There’s something else that was completely awesome. Since the special aired on Saturday and we saw it on Monday night, I was able to go home after the show, download it from iTunes, and watch it again in the comfort of my home a mere 90 minutes after leaving the theater. Now THAT kicks ass!

So if you have no idea of what I am talking about I am sorry. You need to go to Netflix right now and start watching Doctor Who. Start with Christopher Eccleston, the 9th Doctor, and go on from there. You’ll thank me in the end.

And just in case we ever forget, here’s the full trailer for the special.
