The End Of A Near Perfect Day

Today was Jess’s birthday. The festivities started last night when she wanted to get a new iPhone. Going into the AT&T store and talking with the sales dude, he asked if we heard about their trade-in program. We had not so be explained it to us. As it turned out, she was able to get a new iPhone 5S practically free. She wanted me to upgrade as well bit I was unsure if I wanted to part with my 4S.

So today Jack and I headed to the mall to buy Jess some birthday cards. While there, I decided to get a new iPhone as well. With the extra credit we got from Jess’s phone the night before and the credit from my phone, I was able to walk out of there with a new iPhone 5S, 2 extra lightning cables, and a 18 to 30 pin adapter for nothing out of pocket. I like that kind of shopping!

After the mall we headed to Dairy Queen and got Jess a nice little ice cream cake. It was then time to head home and wait for her arrival.

On e she got home we opened her cards and presents. Once that was done, we all got into the car and headed to Allentown. For Jess’s birthday/Christmas, Jess’s father gave her money for an iPad Mini. We ordered it last night since the entire valley was out of the Retina version and set it up for pickup today.

Once we got on the road the heavens decides to open up. It rained and it rained hard the entire drive down. In fact, it rained hard the entire time we were there. Walking briskly in the rain we made it to the Apple store when she picked up her iPad and I bought a case for my phone. Once all of that was done, per my wife’s request, we headed to Bucca di Beppos for dinner. After eating our weight in Italian food, we headed home.

Here’s where it get interesting.

Leaving Allentown it was pouring down rain. When we hit the Hickory Run rest stop, it was freezing rain. Arriving at the Hazleton exit on the turnpike everything had switched over to sleet. Getting off at the Wilkes-Barre exit we were greeted with more sleet. We literally drove at 40mph from Hickory Run to the Wilkes-Barre exit. Crawling down the mountain on 115, we entered the valley where it all changed over to snow. In fact, it still snowing like a mo-fo right now. Once home, we sang Happy Birthday and has some cake to end the day.

Right now I’m laying in bed when I should be sleeping. I have to wake up in about 5 hours and head down to the farm to do some good old fashioned deer hunting. The forecast we looked at on the way home said we should have a few inches of fresh snow for the morning. Here’s hoping that it comes true!
