The Mom And Dad Road Trip

So yesterday we went on a little road trip. Our first stop was Phillipsburg, NJ to pick up some shelving units at Jess’s old childhood home. Then it was on to Easton, Pa to spend some time with her mother. After all of that was said and done, it was off Nazareth, Pa to see her sister and family. After all of that was said and done there, it was late and we were all hungry, so we headed to Allentown, Pa for a late dinner. We finally arrived home around 10:30pm.

So what made this roadtrip memorable? It was the fun we had while in the car. Down to Phillipsburg we were singing Genesis songs at the top of our lungs thanks to Pandora, while Jack rolled his eyes in the back seat. I laughed because it was only about 30 years ago that I was in the backseat rolling my eyes at my parents while they did the same thing to the music they liked. Between the singing and conversations about poke-thrus and glide-bys we had a great time overall. It was a road trip to remember.
